KEGOC considers environmental activities as an integral part of its day-to-day operations. Environmental responsibility is a key principle of KEGOC Environmental Policy.
The goals of KEGOC Environmental Policy are to minimize adverse environmental impact, increase the level of environmental safety, take responsibility for environmental security of Kazakhstan National Grid development, promote energy saving and rational use of environmental and energy resources in the Company’s activities. KEGOC management takes the responsibility for implementation of obligations taken in accordance with Environmental Policy on continuous improvement and pollution prevention, as well as obligation to meet applicable legislative and other requirements related to KEGOC in terms of its environmental aspects. All employees of the Company as well as employees of contractors working for the Company review KEGOC’s Environmental Policy.
Air Protection
Emissions from Stationary Sources in 2019
Name of KEGOC’s MES branch | Emissions from stationary sources t/y | |
Standard | Actual | |
Akmolinskiye MES | 0.93 | 0.72 |
Aktyubinskiye MES | 1.14 | 0.12 |
Almatinskiye MES | 0.73 | 0.72 |
Vostochnye MES | 1.42 | 1.42 |
Zapadnye MES | 0.94 | 0.35 |
Sarbaiskiye MES | 0.68 | 0.68 |
Severnye MES | 1.23 | 0.16 |
Tsentralnye MES | 5.18 | 5.18 |
Yuzhnye MES | 1.32 | 0.10 |
Total | 13.57 | 9.45 |
Thus, gross emissions from stationary sources (with regard to standard rate) dropped by 30 %. The fact of the reduced emissions in Akmolinskiye MES, Aktyubinskiye MES, Almatinskiye MES, Zapadnye MES, Severnye MES and Yuzhnye MES branches was supported by the findings of the environmental monitoring that was conducted by the specialized organisations.
Following the results of inventory of greenhouse gases emitted by stationary sources, emissions amount to 137.91 tonne carbon dioxide equivalent a year, in this connection KEGOC does not fall within the requirements for greenhouse gas cap-and-trade according to the National Plan for Greenhouse Gas Quota Allocation for 2018-2020.
KEGOC’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Stationary Sources in 2019
СО2 tonne |
СН4 tonne carbon dioxide equivalent |
N2O tonne carbon dioxide equivalent |
Total emissions in the tonne carbon dioxide equivalent |
137.86 | 0.00175 | 0.05161 | 137.91 |
The Company does not emit any ozone-depleting substances influencing the climate change.
The waste products are generated during operation, repair and rehabilitation of the substation equipment. Waste management in KEGOC is guided by the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and corporate standard ‘Waste management in KEGOC’.
Waste Volume in KEGOC Divisions
Indicator, tonnes | 2019 |
‘green’ – G index | 2,538.3 |
‘amber’ – A index | 218.7 |
‘red’ – R index | – |
Total | 2,757.0 |
The Company does not use water in its operational process. Water consumption by the Company is insignificant, so this has no material influence on used water sources. Water is consumed and discharged in accordance with contracts concluded by the MES branches with specialized organisations. There are no discharges into water facilities or relief. Water is supplied from artesian wells at the seven KEGOC branches; the wells are used according to obtained permissions. The specialised organisations are contracted to permanently monitor the ground water intake facilities in accordance with the Water Code of Kazakhstan.
Environmental Actions
during Investment Projects
The Company addresses the environmental issues in a comprehensive way when implementing projects, including investment projects. PESTEL analysis is used to analyse the risks of project implementation, including analysis of social and environmental risks. The results of the conducted environmental impact assessment are taken into account, and the option that does the least harm to the environment and human health is adopted. Identification and assessment of project risks are carried out on a regular basis and at all stages of project implementation. The impact on atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, landscapes, land resources and soil cover, biodiversity and more is estimated.
Energy Efficiency
The main objectives of energy saving and efficiency improvement at KEGOC is to reduce the consumption of energy resources through reduction of auxiliary energy consumption by KEGOC facilities, reduction of technical electricity loss while transmitting via the national power grid, improvement of the methods used for monitoring of energy consumption, and provision of the Company’s facilities with electricity meters and other devices for metering of fuel and power resources, organisation of the information acquisition processes based on the metering devices.
The Company has developed an Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency for 2019–2020, as a result of which the planned reduction in the consumption of energy resources is expected to be 4,351 tonnes of fuel equivalent, and KZT 215.1 million in financial terms.
The power consumption by the Company comprises two components: the technological power consumption (process losses) for transmission which represents the largest share of the Company’s power consumption; and the auxiliary consumption.
Technical Electricity Transmission Losses in the National Power Grid
The technical losses in KEGOC networks in 2019 amounted to 2.869 billion kWh or 6.4 % of electricity supply to the grid.
KEGOC’s technical losses structure for 2019

64% | Load losses in lines | |
20% | Corona losses | |
8% | Losses in reactors | |
4% | No-load losses of transformers | |
3% | Substation auxiliary supply | |
1% | Load losses in transformers |
Reducing Energy Consumption
Consumption of Fuel and Energy Resources in 2019, GJ1
Electricity | 10,502,753 |
Heat power | 87,399 |
Fuel | 120,470 |
Including | |
motor gasoline | 53,935 |
diesel fuel | 62,911 |
natural gas | 3,314 |
liquefied gas | 310 |
Total | 10,710,622 |
1 When converted to Joul, the international system of units (SI) was used.
The most effective, in terms of reducing the energy consumption, are the measures on reduction of technological consumption of electricity in transmission lines.
It should be understood that technological loss of electric power means the loss of electric power resulting from the physical processes in conductors and electrical equipment which occur during the electricity transmission across transmission lines. Thus, the main goal of planning and taking the measures on reduction of electric power losses is to bring the actual amounts of technological loss to its optimal level.
Due to measures on electricity loss reduction implemented, in 2019 the reduction of electricity consumption amounted to 4.8 million kWh.
Loss Reduction Measures in 2019
Activity | Outcomes | |
mln. kWh | GJ | |
Line tripping under low-load conditions | 0.390 | 1,404 |
Shutdown of power transformers under low load conditions | 4.394 | 15,818 |
Total for KEGOC | 4.784 | 17,222 |